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Wiring SenseAir LP8/S8 IR CO2 Sensor on TI CC3200 IOT-MCU

SenseAir Miniature (Carbon Dioxide) CO2 Sensor are non-dispersive small package infrared (NDIR) sensor, a new optical design that enable a precise and accurately measures carbon dioxide level up to 5% that runs on 30mA design for long-term battery or solar powered application. In this demonstration we will going to wire these sensor using CC3200 Simple Link / WiFi IOT Solution with Microcontroller from Texas Instruments. The TI CC3200 LaunchPad XL is a WiFi chip on-board that allows you to operate independently. Follow the illustration below to wired-up the CC3200 IOT board. If you want to use other boards like ESP, STM32, SBC kindly refer to this link.

Required Components

Wiring Guide

Setup Guide

Source Code



Wiring SenseAir LP8/S8 IR CO2 Sensor on TI CC3200 IOT-MCU
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