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Wiring SenseAir LP8/S8 CO2 Carbon Dioxide NDIR Sensor

These are the SenseAir Miniature (Carbon Dioxide) CO2 Sensor featuring a non-dispersive small package infrared (NDIR) sensor, a new optical design that enable a precise and accurately measures carbon dioxide level up to 5% that runs on 30mA design for long-term battery or solar power application. This device has a full control integration from the host system, a flexible CO2 measurements period to minimize power consumption in the fields of implementation. For one measurement requires only 3.6 mC energy 11.8 mJ at 3.3v on the battery.

This device provides a flexible and simple communication protocol which lets you change the measurement period, compensate for barometric pressure, control and calibration in real time. background ABC and (0) gas calibration method are both implemented in a simple ways. There are two types of model which this devices has, the SenseAir S8 and LP8. S8 has also two version each version has its own sensing percentage of detection base on applications, 0-1% sensor is design for residential, while the 0-5% sensor is designed for commercial. The LP8 and S8 devices provides simple communication via UART that you just hook to any MCU, RTU, SBC and PC. for more readings please refer to the datasheet below.  For this demonstration we will going to use raspberry pi see below for the wiring diagram. if your using microPython please refer to this article

Required Components

Wiring Guide with LP8

Wiring Guide with S8

Python Code



Wiring SenseAir LP8/S8 CO2 Carbon Dioxide NDIR Sensor
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