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Wiring the WIZNET W5100/W5500 as Network Time Protocol Client with Microcontroller

NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer over packet switches, variable-latency data networks. NTP is one of the oldest IP in current used, this technology was designed by David Mills at the University of Delaware. NTP is intended to synchronize all participating computers within milliseconds of coordinated UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) it uses the intersection algorithm to select accurate time servers mitigated the effect of variable network latency. For more reading please refer to this link.

On this illustration guide we will going to wire the WIZNET W5100 module to run as NTP server client and act as your local area network time server provider sync from you can also use the WIZNET W5500 & W5300 for this project. However some projects are more sophisticated because does not required an internet connection to get a time service from NTP provider, there are GPS that support as a time provider and this GPS are connected via satellite like the GTPA013 / FGPMMOPA6H. The GTPA013 can log GPS data ( UTC, Latitude , longitude, Valid ,Checksum ) suitable for building a NTP (stratum-1) server as standalone and can easily hookup to your ESP, SBC, Embedded Systems or any devices that supports serial communication / data networks / internetwork protocol & sync into the servers and routers if you want to know more about GTPA013 click here & for further readings about WIZNET W5XXX refer to this link.

Required Components

Wiring Guide

Source Code



Wiring the WIZNET W5100/W5500 as Network Time Protocol Client with Microcontroller
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