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Wiring Water Level, Rainfall, Leakage, Flood Meter Sensor with Arduino Microcontroller

Another illustration how to wire and build a simple water level, rainfall, leakage & water overflow detection. As you can see the first diagram below its uses a water sensor module which can be plug easily or build your own water sensor. The water sensor detects water by having a series of exposed traces connected to ground and interlaced between the grounded trace. The sensor trace has a week pull-up resistor of 1M ohms. The resistor will pull the sensor trace value of HIGH until a drop of water shorts the sensor to the grounded trace with the digital IO pins of the Microcontroller you can detect the amount of water induced contact between the grounded and sensor trace.

Required Component

Wiring Diagram for Water Detection

Sketch Code


Wiring Diagram for Flood, Water Level Indicator

Sketch Code


Wiring Water Level, Rainfall, Leakage, Flood Meter Sensor with Arduino Microcontroller
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