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Wiring TI DRV8871 Brushed Motor Driver with PWM Sense

The Texas Instruments DRV8871 is a 3.6A brushed DC motor driver with internal current sense / pulse with modulation control. This device is suitable use for printers, industrial equipment’s, mechatronics, appliances, etc. This device as 2 logic input to control the H-Bridge driver, which is it has four N-Channel MOSFET’s that can control the motors bidirectional up to 3.6A peak current. The inputs can be PWM (Pulse with Modulation) to control the motor speed using a choice of current –decay modes.

The DRV8871 device has advance current regulation circuitry that does not use an analog voltage reference or external sense resistor. This solution uses a standard low power resistor to set the current threshold the capability to limit the current to a known level can significantly reduce the system power requirements  and bulk capacitance needed to main stable voltage particularly on motor startup and stall conditions. This device has integrated protection from faults and short circuits, including under voltage, over current and over temperature. When the fault condition is removed this device automatically resumes to normal tasks or operations. The DRV887 can handle 2 motors or 1 stepper. For further readings please refer to this link.

On this example we will going to wire the DRV887 manually without using a prebuilt module were going illustrate the device using standard electronic components. See below diagram.

Required Components

Wiring Guide

Source Code



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Wiring TI DRV8871 Brushed Motor Driver with PWM Sense
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