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Wiring the Soil Moisture with Arduino

In this illustration we will going to wire the Moisture Sensor. These sensor can be used as a soil moisture to detect water level on the soil, if the soil moisture is depleted it will send a signal to HIGH. This module can be adopt on most common microcontroller like Arduino, Microchip, Raspberry Pi, Bagelbone, Launchpad and other microcontroller. This sensor uses two probes bar to pass the current through the soil, and it reads the resistance to get the moisture level, the more water into the soil the more soil conduct the electricity easily. Less resistance if the soil is dry and the conduction of electricity is poor.

The module uses an LM303 chip. These LM303 The LM393 series are dual independent precision voltages comparators capable of single or split supply operation. These chip are designed to permit a common mode range to ground level with single supply operation. Input offset voltage specification as low as 2.0mV to make this device an excellent selection for many applications such as automotive,industrial electronics.

These module adopt input power 3.3v to 5v and it has a voltage signal 0 to 4.2v at current 35mA. For the wiring and illustration we will going to use the Arduino as our controller to control the soil moisture sensor. Below are the required components to this lab.

Component Required

Wiring Guide

Arduino Sketch

Download Soil Moisture Schematics Diagram | Zip
Download LM393 Datasheets | PDF

Wiring the Soil Moisture with Arduino
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