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Wiring the i2C INA219 ZERO Drift, Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor with MCU

This is the INA219B breakout module to measure both high side voltage and DC current draw over i2C with 1 percent precision. Current measuring devices such as current panel meter are good only for low side measuring it means that unless you’re going to integrate a battery or placing a measuring resistor between the target ground and main ground. This will cause a problem within the circuits since electronics will not accept when the ground references change and move with varying current draw.

The INA219B is much smarter it can handle high side of the current measuring up to +26V DC, even though it is powered with 3v or 5v it will also notify back the high side of the voltage. Which is excellent for tracking battery life.


Required Components

Schematics Diagram

Wiring Diagram

Source Code



Wiring the i2C INA219 ZERO Drift, Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor with MCU
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