Another illustration that demonstrate how to use the ESP8266 as a web-based Soil Moisture / Temperature and Humidity Monitor.  If you’re new to ESP8266 please refer to this link.  There are 3 main component are used to this project. The ESP8266, DHT11/12, and the Soil Moisture Sensor, as you can see the diagram below there are 3 sensors to accomplish this projects the ESP8266 WiFi Transceiver, two plate soil moisture, and the DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor.  This project also tested in ESP8266 12E NodeMCU, ESP8266 Version 7, ESPDuino, WeMos Board.

Required Components

  • ESP8266 12, 12E, ESP8266 NodeMCU, ESPDuino, WeMos.
  • Soil Moisture Sensor Module or Build your own Sensor
  • DHT11, DHT12 Sensor or DHT11 / DHT12 Module
  • NPN Transistor (Optional)
  • Two Conducted Plate (Optional)
  • 2 Battery Case for 3.3v Out / 2 Double A Battery (For Stand Alone Option)
  • LED (Any Color)
  • Resistor (See the diagram below for value reference)
  • Capacitors (See the diagram below for value reference)
  • USB TTL UART (For Programming the ESP8266)
  • Solder Less Bread Board
  • Jumper Wires

Flashing Guide

For flashing using NodeMCU to ESP8266 12 or Flashing with ESP8266 Download Tool just follow this link & for ESP8266 Arduino Integration just follow also this link or if you are using MAC OS refer to this link Note: The AT command must be end with “\r\n”. For Arduino, must type the AT command like this > Serial1.print(“AT+GMR\r\n”);

Wiring Guide

Source Code


  • Download ESP8266 WifiClient & ESP8266Wifi | Zip
  • Download ESP8266 WebServer | Zip
  • Download ESP8266 Flash Tool | Link
  • Download NodeMCU Flash Software | Link


Wiring the ESP8266 12E Remote Soil Moisture Temperature & Humidity Monitor
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3 thoughts on “Wiring the ESP8266 12E Remote Soil Moisture Temperature & Humidity Monitor

  • at


    Google changed charts or something.. and you need to change code a bit.. can you update it? :)

    Changed part needs to generate:
    [‘Label’, ‘Value’],
    [‘Temp’, 26.90 ],
    [‘Humid’, 46.70 ],
    [‘Moisture’, 15 ],


    // Return the response
    client.println(“HTTP/1.1 200 OK”);
    client.println(“Content-Type: text/html”);
    client.println(“”); // do not forget this one

    client.println(” “);
    client.println(” “);
    client.println(” “);
    client.println(” google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘gauge’]});”);
    client.println(” google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);”);
    client.println(” function drawChart() {“);
    // Temperature
    client.println(” var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ “);
    client.println(” [‘Label’, ‘Value’], “);
    client.print(” [‘Temp’, “);
    client.println(” ], “);
    // Humidity
    client.print(” [‘Humid’, “);
    client.println(” ], “);

    // Moisture
    client.print(” [‘Moisture’, “);
    client.println(” ], “);
    client.println(” ]); “);

    // setup the google chart options here

  • at

    I think there is a problem with the wiring guide.
    Ground connection to the esp is going trough a 100k resistor.
    I think the ground connector from the battery should be on the other side of the resistor right?


    • at

      Hi Roger, I updated the diagram above i remove some unused connections to the pins, . thanks :)


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