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Wiring the 16-BIT ADT7410 High Accuracy Digital i2C Temperature Sensor

This is another sensor that works and runs on the i2C protocol produced and developed by Analog Devices Semiconductor, Analog Devices are known for their reliable and well-documented sensor chip and their primary electronics components. The Analog Devices ADT7410 is one of their top-notch temperature sensor featuring a high precision and high-resolution sensor with a 16-bit at 0.0078°C temperature resolution and 0.5°C temperature tolerance including an interrupt and critical-temperature alert pins with a supply voltage from 2.7v ~ 5.5v Logic, for each integration on your projects.

The ADT7410 has 2 address pins which means that you can have up to 4 sensors in one i2C communication BUS. For more technical details and configuration settings please refer to the technical datasheet below.

The ADT7410 Pin Configuration, Function and Descriptions

ADT7410 i2C Address – 0x49


Wiring Diagram & Schematics

Source Code & Test Code


CircuitPhython MCU Connections

First thing first you need to wire your AD7410 to your ESP32/RPI/PICO devices that support CircuitPython Firmware and hookup to: BOARD 3V –> ADT7410 – VCC / VIN | BOARD GND –> ADT7410 GND | BOARD SCL –> ADT7410 – SCL | BOARD SDA –> ADT7410 SDA

PCB Board Milling / Gerber File


Wiring the 16-BIT ADT7410 High Accuracy Digital i2C Temperature Sensor
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