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Wiring NodeMCU ESP8266 12E with i2C 16×2 LCD Screen

Another illustration that demonstrate how to wire the i2c 16×2 LCD on ESP8266 12 Known as NodeMCU, as you can see the diagram below the SCL as Arduino Analog Pin A4 is connected to D1 on NodeMCU at the same time the D2 as the SDA represent as Analog Pin A5 on Arduino Board, As you may notice that the sketch code that we used it is not LUA script it is actually standard Arduino C compiled/Interpret by Arduino IDE. If you don’t have an ESP8266 runs on Arduino IDE please follow this link.

Required Devices

Wiring Diagram

Note: Some 16×2 LCD display module required 5v vcc.

Sketch Code


Wiring NodeMCU ESP8266 12E with i2C 16×2 LCD Screen
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