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Wiring Flex Sensor with Multiple Servos on Microcontroller

This is the Flexible Sensor/ Flex Sensor. This sensor works on resistance across the sensor when the sensor bend the resistance of the sensor increase the same characteristics on potentiometer / variable resistors. This sensor works on 5v it read 1023 at 9v it read on 0. As you can see the diagram below it has hook a 220 Ohms resistor from the ground this is a voltage divider that divides the 5v between the sensor and the resistor and hook up to your microcontrollers/SBC. The flex sensor is mostly used on Angle displacement measurement, robotics, gaming and virtual motion, medical devices, computer and peripherals, musical instruments & physical therapy.

Required Complements

For making your own flex sensor your need the following components below.

Wiring Diagram

Test code for flex sensor
Source Code with Servo

Download flex sensor datasheet | PDF

Wiring Flex Sensor with Multiple Servos on Microcontroller
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