This is the Flexible Sensor/ Flex Sensor. This sensor works on resistance across the sensor when the sensor bend the resistance of the sensor increase the same characteristics on potentiometer / variable resistors. This sensor works on 5v it read 1023 at 9v it read on 0. As you can see the diagram below it has hook a 220 Ohms resistor from the ground this is a voltage divider that divides the 5v between the sensor and the resistor and hook up to your microcontrollers/SBC. The flex sensor is mostly used on Angle displacement measurement, robotics, gaming and virtual motion, medical devices, computer and peripherals, musical instruments & physical therapy.
Required Complements
- Arduino Microcontroller, NodeMCU, Teensy Board, TeensyDuino, ESP8266 12, 12E, ESP8266 NodeMCU, ESPDuino, ATMEGA328 16/12, ATMEGA32u4 16/8/ MHz, ESP8266, ATMEGA250 16 MHz, ATSAM3x8E, ATSAM21D, ATTINY85 16/8 MHz (Note: The Diagram below is using NANO. (please refer to the respective pin-outs)
- Flex Sensor
- 220 Ohms or 10k Resistor
- Jumper Wire / DuPont Wire
- Solderless Breadboard
For making your own flex sensor your need the following components below.
- Heat Shrink Tube (Any Color)
- Plastic Flexible Plate or Assitate
- Copper Tape / Copper Foil
- Static Bag / Static Plastic Bag Cutted into 6mm x 115mm
Wiring Diagram
Test code for flex sensor
Source Code with Servo
Download flex sensor datasheet | PDF
how could i control 2 servo motors using one flex sensor …plus i want each bend of flex sensor could changed the direction of both servo motors like if i bend flex up to 45 degree both servo will go fr the direction of right side same as if i bend my flex sensor in the direction of 90 servos will go for left direction otherwise same as linear direction plz give me reply thanks