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Water/Liquid Level Data Logging on microSD and RTC

Another project that demonstrate how to build a low cost lake/pond water level logger sensor that can be deployed without an RF communication. however  this project works as  independent/standalone can be deployed on a remote area intended for science and environmental use suitable for school research studies.

This device  can sustain up-to 8 to 12 months or you can attach a solar panel with intelligent charging controller to charge automatically when the battery reach to 10%, however as you can see the illustration below it is powered by 3.3v 2500 mAh lithium ion polymer battery. We assumed that you are familiar with the component which is used on this project. This project is driven by 5 main components, the ATMEGA328P Microcontroller, 4 level water sensing probe, RTC (Real Time Clock), and the microSD Card which is data will be stored.

Required Components

Wiring Guide

Source Code




Water/Liquid Level Data Logging on microSD and RTC
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