14Core_NRF24l01We will going to demonstrate here how to use Nordic nRF24L01 2.4 Wireless Radio using Arduino with Joystick Controller. This 2.4Ghz Radio module are base on Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ Chip,

The Nordic nRF24L01+ integrates a complete 2.4GHz Radio Frequency Transceiver, Radio Frequency Synthesizer, and Baseband Logic including the Enhance ShockBurst hardware protocol accelerating a high speed SPI interface for the application controller and low -power short-range transceiver and it has a built in on-board antenna other model it has SMA integrated antenna with a range up to 1100 Meter.



  • 2 ore more Arduino’s be able to communicate wirelessly over a distance.
  • Controlling a nearby buildings
  • Controlling Autonomous vehicles of all kinds
  • Excellent for a remote sensors for temperature, pressure, distance, switching, alarm and more.
  • Controlling and monitoring a robot a range up to 2000 feet distance

We will going to transmits a communication between to Arduinos over NRF24L01 using Joystick

Note: Problem accure when operation because of electrical noise on 3.3v supply, specially when using Arduino Mega and Nano we need to add bypass capacitor across ground and vcc on the module. please see the schematics below.

Nrf24l01 with Arduino


Pin Out Connection to the Arduino by Library

Signal RF Module Arduino pin for / RF24 Arduino pin for Mirf MEGA2560 pin / RF24 Arduino UNO Pin for RH_NRF24 RadioHead MEGA2560 Pin for RH_NRF24 RadioHead
VCC 2 3.3V * 3.3V 3.3V * 3.3V * 3.3V *
CE 3 Pin 9 Pin 8 Pin 9 Pin 8 Pin 8
CSN 4 Pin 10 Pin 7 Pin 53 Pin 10 Pin 53
SCK 5 Pin 13 Pin 13 Pin 52 Pin 13 Pin 52
MOSI 6 Pin 11 Pin 11 Pin 51 Pin 11 Pin 51
MISO 7 Pin 12 Pin 12 Pin 50 Pin 12 Pin 50
IRQ 8 Pin 2 * per library N/C N/C

Get the  Code Libraries from  ManiacBug NRF24L01 Libraries import to your Arduino Libraries

nRF24L01 TX – Transmitter Sketch.

nRF24L01 RX – Receiver Sketch.

Note: you need to check the voltage 3.3v power supply, it will distract the operation due to power regulation issues, the average current may be less 15ma.



Using Two Nordic nRF24L01 2.4 Wireless Radio with Joystick and Arduino
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One thought on “Using Two Nordic nRF24L01 2.4 Wireless Radio with Joystick and Arduino

  • at

    Arduino: 1.6.9 (Windows 7), Board: “Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)”

    J:\nRF24\rx\rx.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:

    rx:43: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

    done = radio.read( joystick, sizeof(joystick) );


    Multiple libraries were found for “nRF24L01.h”
    Used: C:\Users\dholu\Documents\Arduino\libraries\RF24
    Not used: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\RF24-master
    Not used: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\RF24-master
    Not used: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\RF24-master
    Not used: C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries\RF24-master
    exit status 1
    void value not ignored as it ought to be

    This report would have more information with
    “Show verbose output during compilation”
    option enabled in File -> Preferences.

    Please help me how can i fixed this problem?


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