Every device with an integrated i2c protocol has an address associated with it. Many devices such as OLED i2C display screen usually utilize the default address of 0x27 where 0x shows the hex format of the numbers. But the address
Wiring Photo Interrupter Light Blocking Switch with Raspberry Pi
photo interrupter is transmission type photo sensor that integrates optical receiving and transmitting elements in a single package please see the diagram below. Since the method involves light blocking commonly named photo interrupter. A long life infrared photo diodes is
Wiring MPU 6050 MEMS Accelerometer GYRO on RPI
Another illustration that demonstrate how to use MPU6050 on Raspberry Pi. The MPU 6050 sensor board contains a MEMS ACCELEROMETER and MEMS GYRO a single chip that provide a very accurate data, as it contains 16bits analog to digital conversion
Wiring the Passive & Active Buzzer with Raspberry Pi
Another illustration that demonstrate how to use the buzzer both passive and active. The difference between an active and passive is. The active buzzer has a built in oscillating source that will make a sound when amplifying a power compare
Wiring Single Channel Relay with Raspberry Pi on C/Python
Another illustration how to wire the single channel relay with Raspberry Pi. Relays are suitable for driving high Power AC/DC electrical equipment such as home appliances, light bulbs, motors, etc. Mostly popular in industrial and automotive use for automation. By
Wiring Push Button with RPI Driven by C-Code and Python
Push buttons are simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are typically made out of plastics, metal, carbons or rubber. The surface is usually flat or shaped to accommodate the human finger or