SCADA is a system software and hardware elements, allows industrial to control a process locally or remote locations in a real time data, directly interact with devices such sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more through HMI (Human Machine Interface), Smart
Wiring the DS18S20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor with Bluetooth HC06 on Android & Microcontroller
DS18B20 communication is using 1 wire port. With the 1wire port the memory and control functions will not be available before the ROM function protocol has been established. The master must first provide on of five ROM function command. 1.
Wiring The Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Board
Infrared obstacle / Avoidance Sensor is an ambient light sensor adaptable can be place on your wheeled robots for obstacle avoidance or distance sensor. This sensor has a high precision components paired of infrared transmitter and receiver. The transmitter tubes