The DRV8833 is almost similar to DRV8871 it has also H-Bridge current control motor driver and also can drive a DC Motors and 1 Stepper Motor, solenoids, or other inductive loads. The difference between DRV8833 and DRV8871 is pin configuration
Wiring the DRV2605 Haptic Driver for LRA and ERM in I2C/IIC
This is the DRV2605L Haptic Driver for LRA (Linear Resonant Actuator) and ERM (Eccentric Rotating Mass) with effect library and smart loop architecture. This device is licensed version of TouchSense 2200 software from Immersion which eradicates the need to design
14CORE Obstacle Avoidance Bot with HC-SR04, L293D Shield, SERVO & Arduino Microcontroller
This is the 14core design Obstacle Avoidance BOT with L293D Shield and HC-SR04 and Servo, which is capable of avoiding obstacles using an Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor. The HC-SR04 is economical sensor provides 2cm to 400cm of non-contact measurement functionality with
Wiring L293D UNO/MEGA Shield with Stepper Motor
The L293D is a dedicated module to fit in Arduino UNO R3 Board, and Arduino MEGA, It is actually a motor driver shield that has full featured Arduino Shield can be used to drive 2 to 6 DC motor and
Water flow rotor/motor sensor wiring guide on Arduino
A water flow sensor is a plastic valve body with rotor that provides a hall-effect sensing when water flows through the motor. The motor will roll and the speed will change on a different rate flow. The hall-effect sensor will
How Servo Motor Work? and how to control theme using Arduino
Servo motors mostly use in toy cars, airplanes, robots, industrial machinery, manufacturing, pharmaceutics. The servo circuitry is built-in inside the motor itself and has a positional shaft which usually fitted with a gear. The motor is controlled with an electrical
Introduction to Robotic Gears, Gears Ratios and RPM
Gears are like wheels with teeth mesh together and make things turn. Gear are used to transfer motion or power from one moving part to another. A gear is rotating machine part have cut teeth, or cogs, along with another