The DRV8833 is almost similar to DRV8871 it has also H-Bridge current control motor driver and also can drive a DC Motors and 1 Stepper Motor, solenoids, or other inductive loads. The difference between DRV8833 and DRV8871 is pin configuration
Wiring TI DRV8871 Brushed Motor Driver with PWM Sense
The Texas Instruments DRV8871 is a 3.6A brushed DC motor driver with internal current sense / pulse with modulation control. This device is suitable use for printers, industrial equipment’s, mechatronics, appliances, etc. This device as 2 logic input to control
Wiring MOC78XX, H206, GP1A57HRJ00F Opto-interrupter for Motor Speed, Direction, Detection Control
This is the photo interrupter also known as photogate, photodiode, or phototransistor. Phototransistors are specially designed transistors with the base region exposed these transistors are light sensitive, especially when an infrared source of light is being used. Phototransistors it has
14CORE Line Following BOT with TCRT5000/L298N on Microcontroller
This is the 14CORE Design Line Following robot which is capable of detecting lines and follow it. This robot uses TCRT5000 Sensor which is capable of emitting dark color lines. The TCRT5000 are reflective sensors which include an infrared emitter
14CORE Light Tracking/Finder BOT on L298N / L293D with Microcontroller
ÞThis is the 14CORE Design light finder robot which is capable of detecting, finding and following light source path. This robot uses LDR (Photodiodes) to detect light from the surroundings and follow where the light source. As you can see
Introduction to Robotic Gears, Gears Ratios and RPM
Gears are like wheels with teeth mesh together and make things turn. Gear are used to transfer motion or power from one moving part to another. A gear is rotating machine part have cut teeth, or cogs, along with another