ATmega32U4 and ATmega16U4 are both MCU from Atmel Corporation (now a part of Microchip Technology), which are based on the AVR architecture. They are similar in many ways, but there are some distinctions between the two. The ATmega32U4 is an
14CORE STM8S001 G2 Re-Version 2023 an 8Bit Minimal Microcontroller with JTAG/ST-LINK Pins
STM8S001 is a microcontroller from STMicroelectronics, which is a member of the STM8S family of 8-bit microcontrollers. This microcontroller is based on a high-performance 8-bit STM8 core with Harvard architecture, which enables it to deliver efficient performance and high code
14CORE USB-TYPE C – ATTINY85 G2 / ATMEL 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 2/4/ 8K Ttiny25/V / ATtiny45/V / ATtiny85 / Development Board 2023
An 8-bit microcontroller is a type of microcontroller that has an 8-bit central processing unit (CPU). It is a compact integrated circuit that contains all the components needed to control electronic systems or devices. The 8-bit architecture refers to the
Working with SONY SPRESENSE Integration with Arduino IDE
The SONY Spresense is designed for IOT development it is a compact development board base on CXD5602 multicore microcontroller (ARM CORTEX M4F x 6 cores) with a clock speed of 156 MHz, allows you to develop an IOT application that
NXP Kinetis® FRDM-K28F MK28FN2M0VMI15 MCU Development Board
This is the Freedom Development Platform from NXP Semiconductors, This has a set of software and hardware tools for evaluation and development. It is ideal for rapid prototyping of Microcontroller based applications and projects. The K28 board – FRDMK28F has
Write/Read Data to EEPROM – XC8 and PIC18F Microcontroller
There are three types of memories in a PIC Microcontroller, The Flash Program Memory, The Data Memory (RAM) and The EEPROM Data Memory. The code that is written by the user to perform a specific task by the MCU is
Wiring the PCF8574AP 8bit Bidirectional IO Expander Driven i2C Communication Bus / SPI
This is the PCF8574AP consists of an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional port and an i2C Serial Bus Interface. The PCF8574AP has a low current consumption and includes latched output with HIGH consumption and include latched output with high current drive capability for
Wiring the MAX30100 Heart Rate Monitor with Arduino Microcontroller
This is the MAX300100 breakout board that reads heart rate or pulse oximetry. The chip has an integrated optical sensor that derives its reading from emitting two wavelength of light from the two LED’s then measures the absorbance of pulsing
Wiring a Stand Alone ATMEGA328P CMOS 8Bit Microcontroller
The ATMEGA328P is a CMOS 8Bit Microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture by executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle. The ATMEGA328P achieves throughout put close to 1MIPS per MHz this empowers system designer to optimize the
Driving the QD320DB16NT9481RA 3.2 TFT 480×320 LCD ILI9481 w/d MEGA2560
This is the 3.2 inch TFT LCD with 262K color on 480×320 Resolution. The QD320DB16NT9481RA shield support 16 wire data bus interface, working voltage at 3.3v ~ 5v power conversion and level conversion circuit. This shield can be directly inserted
D1 ESP8266 12E WiFi Development Board on Arduino IDE Integration
In this illustration we will going to integrate the D1 ESP8266 ESP12-E Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller with Arduino IDE, The D1 contains the popular ESP8266 12-E a Wi-Fi enabled MCU board this board can be easily use and coded from Arduino
Teensy Development Board Installation with Teensyduino
The Teensy CORTEX & AVR Development board is a complete USB base microcontroller development system. It uses a standard Mini-B USB, the Teennsy has a solder pads for all IO signals it is also available with the header pins to