ATmega32U4 and ATmega16U4 are both MCU from Atmel Corporation (now a part of Microchip Technology), which are based on the AVR architecture. They are similar in many ways, but there are some distinctions between the two. The ATmega32U4 is an
Burning & Programming the ATTiny 44 84 45 85 8 bit MCU
This guide we will going to burn / program the chip along with the Arduino IDE and hardware board, ATtine 25, 45 and 85 is a low power CMOS 8bit microcontroller base on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture by executing
Burning Bootloader to ATMEGA328-AU with Arduino ISP
This guide I’m going to demonstrate to you how we going burn a Bootload to Arduino 328P-AU Mini Pro using Arduino UNO 328P as a host, base on previous article we manage to bootload the without Arduino ISP a fresh