Wiring the ST LPS25HB / LPS331AP Pressure, Barometer MEMS Sensor
This is the LPS25HB release by STMicroelectronics. The LPS25HB is an absolute pressure sensor with a feature that functions as a digital output barometer that rages from 260 mbar to 1260 mbar 26 kPa to 126 kPa with absolute accuracy down to ±0.2 mbar and typical RMS (Root Mean Square) ...

Wiring the Renesas FS3000 Air Flow Sensor with RPI-PICO
Have you wanted to track the airflow of your equipment or devices such as network communication devices, or perhaps your an HVAC? or maybe you want to read how your Air Glider Plane or RC plane how fast they can be? or you just want to get an air velocity ...

Wiring the LPS22HH Microelectromechanical Nano Pressure Sensor with i2C
This is the LPS22HH a High-performance MEMS (Microelectromechanical ) nano pressure sensor that ranges to 260 - 1260 hPa (Hectopascal) an absolute digital output barometer that communicates through 3 protocols i2C, i3C, and SPI. from sensing elements, which detects an absolute pressure that consists of a suspended membrane design for ...

How to Identify i2C Address in MicroPython
Every device with an integrated i2c protocol has an address associated with it. Many devices such as OLED i2C display screen usually utilize the default address of 0x27 where 0x shows the hex format of the numbers. But the address can be different in some cases. This address depends on ...
FLIR Lepton PureThermal I/O Thermal Imaging Module
This the FLIR Thermal camera breakout module can easily integrate to your SBC Single Board computer kit / BSP boards or Microcontroller evaluation boards that driven by ARM, STM, TI, NXP, ATMEL, etc. This device can be used in thermal imaging, motion detection, night vision, heat mapping, and gesture recognitions ...
Wiring SenseAir LP8/S8 CO2 Carbon Dioxide NDIR Sensor
These are the SenseAir Miniature (Carbon Dioxide) CO2 Sensor featuring a non-dispersive small package infrared (NDIR) sensor, a new optical design that enable a precise and accurately measures carbon dioxide level up to 5% that runs on 30mA design for long-term battery or solar power application. This device has a ...
Wiring with TCRT5000 Reflective Optical Sensor Module on Raspberry Pi
This is the Line Tracking Sensor designed for line following robots. The board has two main components IR Transmitter and IR Receiver in one package named TCRT5000. The TCRT5000 are reflective sensors which include an infrared emitter and photo-transistor in a leaded package which blocks visible light. The package included ...
Wiring the IR Flame Detection Sensor with SBC Single Board Computer
This is the Flame detection sensor its detect 60 degree angle spectral sensitivity of 720-1100nm. The spectral sensitivity of this sensor is optimized to detect emissions from naked flames. The output signal DO is pulled on a high state (active high) when a flame is detected. The switching threshold is ...
How MQTT Telemetry Transport Protocol Works for IOT Test with Mosquitto in Open GPIO Micro Computer
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) Protocol is a M2M (Machine to Machine) lightweight messaging protocol widely used in IOT (Internet of Things) that provides a resource constrained network clients. Almost IOT cloud platform support MQTT protocol to send and receive data from smart objects in other words it is a ...
Wiring IR (Infrared) Obstacle Avoidance Sensor with Raspberry Pi
IR (Infrared) obstacle avoidance Sensor module uses infrared reflection principle to detect obstacle. This sensor has a high precision components paired of infrared transmitter and receiver. The transmitter tubes emit a certain frequency of infrared when detecting a direction or obstacle or a reflector the infrared receiver tube receive a ...