ESP8266 is capable to transmit and receive data via WiFi. ESP8266 can be configured or set as a basic server and access point. On this guide, we will be going to configure the ESP8266 to talk to each other without the help of the network router. As you can see the illustration there will be two devices act as INPUT and OUTPUT the INPUT will be the sensor and the OUTPUT will the OLED display module and the sensor we will going used for this demonstration is the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor.

The Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor is driven by i2c that can sense temperature between -20°C ~ +100°C converted to digital signals integrated accuracy of ±0.25°C/±0.5°C (typical/maximum). The MCP9808 temperature sensor is flexible the registers featuring a selectable configuration such as shutdown or low-power modes, temperature alerts, and critical output limits when the temperature changes the limits the sensor can send an alert signal to the MCU this is feature is an advantage to managing cooling systems. For more readings about the MCP9808 please refer to the datasheet below.

Required Component for this Lab

Wiring Guide for the Station / Client

Wiring Guide for the Access Point / Server

Source Code for the Client

Source Code for the Server

Downloads and Datasheets


Point to Point / Server & Client Setup on ESP8266 & MCP9808 Temp Sensor
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