In this illustration we will going to wire a Digital Potentiometer using MCP4161. The MSC 7/8-Bit Single/Dual SPI Digital POT with Non-Volatile Memory. Required Components 1x MCP4161 1x 100K Ohms Resistor 1x 100nf Ceramic/Tantalum Capacitor MCP4161 Pin-Out Diagram Wiring Diagram
Wiring the Relay Manually
In this illustration were going to wire a relay that can support any micro controller. Required Components 1x Relay 1x Diod 1N4007 1x NPN Transistor (2N2222) 1x 22k Ohms Resistor Wiring the required components
Working on Shift Register 8 Bit Binary Counter
On this illustration we will going to drive and wire the 74HC595 on a shift register using our very own Arduino Board, The 74HC595 is high speed si-gate CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) integrated circuit device the pin is compatible with
How to Place/Connect a Pull Down Resistors on a Chip
A Pull-Down resistor is a resistor that makes the Pin of the chip will become normally LOW and it turn it going to HIGH when switched on. Pull-Up or Pull-Down resistor are mostly they are connected to the pins of
How to Place/Connect a Pull Up Resistors on Chip
A pull up resistor is a resistor that works the chip normally HIGH and change it to LOW when switched on, Pull-Up or Pull-Down resistor mostly they are connected to the pins of the chip so that they can define
Light Sensor using LDR Light Dependent Resistor
In this tutorial we are going to demonstrate how to use the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) in your 14Core Starter Kit, we are going to adjust the speed of flashing base on LDR Light Dependent Resistor. Parts Required: Arduino UNO/MEGA/MINI/PRO
Controlling your RGB LED Using Serial Communication
In this tutorial we will going to control the LED using keys of your keyboard via serial communication, sending a command from the PC to the Arduino using the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE. This project is also introduces
Flashing LED FX Random light effect on PWM
Flashing like fire effect a flickering random light effect on 3 LED, using PWM (Pulse with Modulation), This project you cud plug it in DIY Buildings, Home, Cars, and Robots to have special FX Parts Required Arduino UNO/MEGA/NANO 1x RED
Mixing Color with 3 LED using Pulse with Modulation
In this tutorial we will going to mix the Red LED Green LED and Blue LED by adjusting the brightness on each LED using Pulse with Modulation capabilities of the ATMEGA chip. Parts Required Arduino UNO/MEGA/NANO 1x RED LED 1x
Breathing / Pulsating LED with Arduino
In this demonstration we will going to drive the LED on breathing / pulsing effect simply turn the LED on or off while adjusting the brightness. Required Parts Arduino UNO/MEGA/NANO/PRO LED Any cor 220 k Ohms Resistor Wiring the LED
LED Running Light or Chasing Light Effect
On tutorial we will going to make a chasing LED, we will going to wire 10 LED to make an LED chase effect, similar to that used on the bikes and cars knight riders. Electronic parts required Arduino UNO/MEGA/MINI/NANO 10x
Making a LED Traffic Light with Arduino
In this tutorial we will making a traffic lights that will change from green to red via amber, after a set of time using the 4 state system. This project could be used on model railway, model road or model