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nRF24l01 I2C/TWI (2 Wire Interface) Communication Shield Setup Guide

Nrf24l01-shiel-mc-01 The I2C/TWI Communication shield module is mainly use and made for nRF24l01 transceiver module, dedicated to provide a reliable performance and to reduce the possibility of data lost in the communication process there are three stages to process a communicate on this module.

How it works?

  1. This module use I2C/TWI Communication protocol which simplifies the nRF24l01 communication process stable, thus users no need to understand the communication process of nRF24l01, it improves the efficiency of project development.
  1. This module will be use as a slave of I2C/2WI at the address 35
  2. It has a smooth bidirectional communication and no discernable at the slave or the master.
  3. It has maximum transmission distance can reach to 70m it defends on the module you use.
  4. nRF24l01 communication protocol will reduce the signal lost.
  5. 12C/TWI protocol simplifies the communication line.
  6. Perfectly compatible on Arduino.

Tested Modules

nRF24l01 Version 1 / Communication range up to: 70 meter at open space

nRF24l01 Version 2  / Communication Range up to : 100 meter at open space

nRF24l01 Version 2 Plus 2.4 GHz SMA (SubMiniature version A) Antenna  / Communication Range up to : 300 meter at open space

Testing on progress : nRF24l01 Version 2 with On board Signal Amplifier Plus  2.4 GHz SMA (SubMiniature version A) Antenna / Communication Range up to : 1100 meter at open space.

Setup & Implemetation Guide




There possible for the module operate to Free Mode:

nRF24l01 Communication Diagram

MCU sends address to the module, and the module will response a signal if returned data is 0x47, indicating that reading data is successful. The MCU can read a data with 1 byte size every time.

The Microcontroller will send the address of 1byte data to the module will become busy mode state then the stop bit occur. if the process is busy mode automatically it will send the data again. When the module is in IDLE the address which is read by the master transceiver is always 0x47 and when Microcontroller receives the data we need to filter the 0x47 at decimal number 71, otherwise it will encounter an error.

The nRF24l01 Communication Module Shield




Master / Transmitter Arduino Sketch Code
Slave / Receiver  Arduino Sketch Code
Download the Source Codes Here | Zip




nRF24l01 I2C/TWI (2 Wire Interface) Communication Shield Setup Guide
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