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Monitor your Networked Servers / Routers with ESP8266 / NodeMCU as Stand-alone Wirelessly

Another project that demonstrate how to wire the ESP82366 Module and 16×2 i2C LCD  as a network monitoring device to observe the network web/app server communication and can handle many host depend on your requirements. ESP8266 is a WiFi full TCP/IP stack and Microcontroller & coded can manage to do this task with the help of its own code libraries. The objective of this project is to run as standalone to monitor the server’s communication if it is disconnected from the network or remove from the internet. As you can see the diagram below there are two choices the first diagram uses 16×2 LCD Screen which is hookup to NodeMCU. The second diagram below is using ESP8233 12/12E module which you need to wire other component to make it worked properly.

Component Required

Wiring Guide

Source Code

Download LCD Screen 16×2 | 20×4 i2c Display Code Libraries | Zip


Monitor your Networked Servers / Routers with ESP8266 / NodeMCU as Stand-alone Wirelessly
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