microPython is efficient programming language base to Python 3 its includes a small subset of Python standard library and optimized to runs on microcontroller and contained environments, popular in many micro controllers such as Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32, pyCom, micro:bit, pyBoard, STM, x86, x86-64, ARM, ARM Thumb, Xtensa. Etc. microPython is integrated full of advanced features such as an interactive prompt, arbitrary precision int, closure, comprehension generators, exception handling, and more. microPython aims to be as compatible with Python as possible to allows you to transfer code with ease from the desktop to microcontroller or embedded systems. microPython shares the same system as Python 3.5. Micropython is much faster and simpler to code compare to C, and also support an online programming and compiling. Here some site you can visit to test your board. Below are some boards support microPyhton, for booting into microPython please refer to the illustrate steps.
Required Software / Firmware
Note: before flashing your microcontroller see first there respective flash memory the minimum requirement for flash size is 1Mbyte. For best results it is recommended to first erase the entire flash of the device before putting on new microPython firmware. Master repository can be found on GitHub at github.com/micropython/micropython
Required Boards
Wiring guide for please refer to this page | ESP8266 | ESP32S | ESP32 WROVER & ESP32 WROOM |
Flashing Firmware for ESP8266 / ESP32 base boards
- Download the ESP8266 node-MCU Flash tool | Windows 32 Bit | Windows 64 Bit |
- Download the SPRESSIF Download Tool Windows OS | Zip
- Download the latest ESP8266 microPython firmware | WiPy | ESP8266 | ESP32 |
- If your running linux operating system you will need either Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or newer installed and use the latest stable esptool.py release can be installed from pypi via pip.
- Your first code can be found here | Link
Flashing using nodeMCU Flash Tool
below are steps how to flash esp32/esp8266 running microPython
Flashing using Python Pip with Serial Communication
Testing microPython on Serial Communication
- Download ESP-WROVER Datasheet | PDF
- Download ESP32 AT Command Set Manual | PDF
- Download Espressif Flash Download Tool | Zip
- Further reading please refer to this link
- Download https://git-scm.com/download/win
- Download ESP 32S Bluetooth User Guide | PDF
- Download ESP 32S Datasheet | PDF
- Further Learning Using PlatformIO | Using as ESP-IDF component | Link
- Download Firmware for ESP8266 here
- ESP8266 and ESP32 serial bootloader utility
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