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How to wire PCD8544 5110 CMOS 84×84 LCD display on Arduino

LCD-5110-CMO-Driven-DisplayThe PCD8544 manufacture and develop by Philips Semiconductors commonly named Nokia 5110, a 84×84 LCD display with a low power CMOS LCD Controller driver designed to drive a graphic display at 48 rows and 84 columns can show 4 lines of characters . All required functions for the display are provided in a single chip including on-chip generation of LCD supply and BIAS VOLTAGE, resulting a minimum of external components and low power consumption. The Nokia 5110 LCD, PCD8544 interfaces to microcontrollers through Serial Bus Interface driven with the master microcontroller. The interface signal line reduced greatly , it has 8 signal line including power and ground. The LCD 5110 supports different types of microcontrollers such as Arduino, AVR, PIC, STM32, STC MSP430 and so on. Greatly it has a transfer rate up to 4Mbps can give full speed displaying the data without delay time.

Schematics & Pin outs:

At the device parameters the PCD8544 has an input voltage and data input of 2.7v ~ 3.3v 200uA, LED Back-light on highest brightness of 3.3v and it has a diameter of 43.6mm x 43.1mm.


Wiring to Arduino:

In this demonstration we will going to use the Arduino Mega for testing, below are the diagram and guide how to connect your LCD 5110 to your Arduino Board.

Demo Source Code
Download Source Code Here  for Arduino | ZIP
Download Source Code here for AVR | ZIP


How to wire PCD8544 5110 CMOS 84×84 LCD display on Arduino
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