In this illustration we will going to flash the ESP8266 version 1 same or the NodeMCU or ESP8266 12, and 13, most ESP8266 board will do support on this tool just kindly follow the address bellow. As we going to flash to the latest firmware we need to have the updated latest firmware can be download from ESPRESSIFT or you can downloaded it here.

Wiring Guide

Note: Some ESP8266 board has a issue it keeps rebooting  while in operation keep note you need to add additional 220k or 470k electrolytic capacitor to VCC and GND please kindly follow the instructions below.


Flashing the ESP8266 version 1 512KB

Flashing the ESP8266 version 1 512KB

Flashing the ESP8266 version 1 1mb


Flashing with ESP Flash Download Tool version 2.3


ESP8266  Flash Tool

Flash Download Tools Version 2.4 | FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS_v2.4_150924.rar
Flash Tool Version 2.4 Bin Source | Download Here

Flash Download Tools Version 1.2 | Flash Download Tools Version 1.2


AT Version 0.20 on SDK Version 0.9.3 | AT_v0.20_on_SDKv0.9.3
ESP IOT SDK Version 1.4.0 | ESP_IOT_SDK_v1.4.0_15_09_18

Flashing & Upgrade EPS8266 v1 with ESPRESSIF flash tool


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