On tutorial we will going to make a chasing LED, we will going to wire 10 LED to make an LED chase effect, similar to that used on the bikes and cars knight riders. Electronic parts required Arduino UNO/MEGA/MINI/NANO 10x
Making a LED Traffic Light with Arduino
In this tutorial we will making a traffic lights that will change from green to red via amber, after a set of time using the 4 state system. This project could be used on model railway, model road or model
The DS1302 Real Time Clock on Arduino
Where going demonstrate how to use the DS1302 Real Time Clock with Arduino board, the DS1302 trickle-charge timekeeping chip contains a real-time clock and calendar and 31bytes of static RAM and its communicating with a microcontroller or microprocessor via a
Simple Earthquake Detection Sensor with Vibration Module
In this guide we will going to make a simple Earth Quake monitoring device and learn how to connect and control the digital shock/vibration sensor module, we will going use the LED as our triggered output instead using alarm or
What is VCC, VSS, VDD and VEE
The VCC, VSS, VDD, and VEE notation are use in naming the voltage at various common voltage power supply terminal only a wire that point between exist power source of specified circuit. It change these general voltage terms map to
Water flow rotor/motor sensor wiring guide on Arduino
A water flow sensor is a plastic valve body with rotor that provides a hall-effect sensing when water flows through the motor. The motor will roll and the speed will change on a different rate flow. The hall-effect sensor will
Introduction of RFID System & Wiring the VHF Reader/Writer 13.5Mhz on Arduino
In recent years automatic identification procedure have become very popular in many service industries, manufacturing companies, purchasing and distribution logistics, and material flow systems. Automatic identification procedures provide information on people, animals, goods, products, transportation’s, the most common form of
Starter #18 Controlling a DC Motor on Arduino
In this tutorial you will going to learn how to control and drive the DC Motor on Arduino, you will also learn how to used the analog output PWM or Pulse with Modulation to control the speed of the motor
Starter #20 Common Error of Arduino IDE
Sometimes you will encounter an errors wile your in the Arduino IDE, some error sometimes it very difficult to fix like java applet errors some error are easy to fix. below are the list of error while your doing you
Using Password Access Control on Matrix Keypad with Optocoupler Relay
These tutorial will guide you to make a password access control using “Keypad Membrane” connected to a Relay Module, Were just temporarily used LED for the output just to check if it is working, instead using a mechanical solenoid door
Using Membrane Keypad/Keyboard On Arduino
These keypad it is the same like computer keyboard, but rather the pressure pads that have only outline symbol printed on a flat, flexible surface. These membrane keyboard, which work by electrical contact between the key surface under layer circuit
Starter #17 Using RGB LED on Arduino
RGB(RED/GREEN/BLUE) LEDs Look just like a normal LED, however, inside of this LED has a 3 in 1 package, nside of the this LED it has Red, Green and Blue. This LED can be control using PWM(Pulse with Modulation) to