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Build your Own Thermometer with ThingSpeak

Another illustration that demonstrate how to wire the ESP32-WROOM set as client talk to ThingSpeak API. As you can see the diagram below, we will be going to build a non-contact temperature sensor using MLX90614. Unlike DHTXX, LMXX, HDCXX, HTUXX, compare to MLX90614 it has an integrated IR to calculate a certain temperature featuring with high accuracy at range of -40 to 125 C. however there alternative you can use specially the TMP006 is also similar to MLX90614, Additionally, the MLX9061 sensor is suitable for human body temperature, surface temperature, heat ventilation, automotive temperature sensing, industrial applications, & more..

We use ESP32 as our client to connect with ThinkSpeak API service so we can access the data from the mobile devices. You can also expand this project to extend the capabilities by hooking up an OLED screen, LCD or E-Paper display panel to view the temperature in real-time. Perhaps, adding a database schema to log all captured temperature with a person’s profiling ex. an Id, Name, Date Stamp, Current Temperature, etc. so we can monitor a certain person if he or she has a COVID-19 symptom. 

For integration with Arduino IDE please refer to this link, or if you to know more technically about the ESP32-ROOM please refer to this link. For the MLX90614 datasheet please refer to the datasheet below. 

Requirements and Alternatives

ThingSpeak API


i2C Address Finder

Just upload the code and open you serial monitor.

Source Code


Code with OLED  128×64




Build your Own Thermometer with ThingSpeak
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