These tutorial will guide you to make a password access control using “Keypad Membrane” connected to a Relay Module, Were just temporarily used LED for the output just to check if it is working, instead using a mechanical solenoid door
Using Membrane Keypad/Keyboard On Arduino
These keypad it is the same like computer keyboard, but rather the pressure pads that have only outline symbol printed on a flat, flexible surface. These membrane keyboard, which work by electrical contact between the key surface under layer circuit
Starter #17 Using RGB LED on Arduino
RGB(RED/GREEN/BLUE) LEDs Look just like a normal LED, however, inside of this LED has a 3 in 1 package, nside of the this LED it has Red, Green and Blue. This LED can be control using PWM(Pulse with Modulation) to
Introduction to Robotic Gears, Gears Ratios and RPM
Gears are like wheels with teeth mesh together and make things turn. Gear are used to transfer motion or power from one moving part to another. A gear is rotating machine part have cut teeth, or cogs, along with another
How to use Bi-Directional Bus / Logic Converter or bridge power communication
The bi-directional logic level converter is very easy to use, this board needs to be powered from two voltage source (HIGH and LOW), the high voltage let say 5v to the HV(High Voltage) pin and the LOW voltage will be
How to wire the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module on Arduino
This demo i will going to show you how to wire the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor on Arduino using library to communicate and acquire a data on DS18B20 Dallas Semiconductor Temperature Sensor. The DS18B20 is a three pin transistor like chip,
How to use I2C Bus Interface in Arduino with Sample Code
Using I2C (I square C) in Arduino interface , I2C is a standard for connection MCU and peripherals together. I2C is sometimes referred to as 2 wire interface or TWI. All the Arduino board have at least 1 I2c socket
What is BeagleBone Black and how it works?
What is BeagleBone Black? BeagleBone Black is an embedded low-cost Linux driven Computer a powerful computer on its own in a credit card size that comes with lots of GPIO and GPIO(PWM) interface, design for many hobbyist, engineers and
Working on Dust Particle Optical Sensor with Arduino
Sharp’s GP2Y1010U0F is an optical air quality sensor it was designed to sense dust particles. An infrared emitting diode and a photo-transistor are diagonally arrange into this device, to allow it to detect the reflected light of dust in the
Working on PIR Motion Sensor with Arudino
This tutorial we will demonstrate how to detect motion from PIR Sensor using Arduino, ones the PIR detect a motion it will trigger the LED as the output. Electric Parts Require 1x Arduino 1x PIR Motion Sensor 1x LED 1x
Make your Raspberry Pi as (IOT) Internet of Things Server with nRF24L01
In this tutorial i will going to demonstrate how to connect and program the nRF24L01+ Module Raspberry Pi A A+ B B+, and build a Raspberry Pi Internet of Things Server. Below are the nRF24l01 schematics and Pin Out with
Coding a Line Finder with Arduino Module Sensors for Robotics
Below are the program sketch how to code a line following robots using Arduino, to detect Black Line & White Line when digital signal is HIGH, sensor will read black line and when digital signal is LOW, sensor will read