This is another sensor that works and runs on the i2C protocol produced and developed by Analog Devices Semiconductor, Analog Devices are known for their reliable and well-documented sensor chip and their primary electronics components. The Analog Devices ADT7410 is one of their top-notch temperature sensor featuring a high precision and high-resolution sensor with a 16-bit at 0.0078°C temperature resolution and 0.5°C temperature tolerance including an interrupt and critical-temperature alert pins with a supply voltage from 2.7v ~ 5.5v Logic, for each integration on your projects.
The ADT7410 has 2 address pins which means that you can have up to 4 sensors in one i2C communication BUS. For more technical details and configuration settings please refer to the technical datasheet below.
The ADT7410 Pin Configuration, Function and Descriptions
ADT7410 i2C Address – 0x49
- PIN 1 | SCL | I2C Serial Clock Input. The serial clock is used to clock in and clock out data to and from any register of the ADT7410. Open-drain configuration. A pull-up resistor is required, typically 10 kΩ.
- PIN 2 | SDA | I2C Serial Data Input/Output. Serial data to and from the part is provided on this pin. Open-drain configuration. A pull-up resistor is required, typically 10 kΩ.
- PIN 3 | A0 | I2C Serial Bus Address Selection Pin. Logic input. Connect to GND or VDD to set an I2C address.
- PIN 4 | A1 | I2C Serial Bus Address Selection Pin. Logic input. Connect to GND or VDD to set an I2C address.
- PIN 5 | INT | Over-temperature and Under-temperature Indicator. Logic output. Power-up default setting is as an active low comparator interrupt. Open-drain configuration. A pull-up resistor is required, typically 10 kΩ.
- PIN 6 | CT | Critical Over-temperature Indicator. Logic output. Power-up default polarity is active low. Open-drain configuration. A pull-up resistor is required, typically 10 kΩ.
- PIN 7 | GND | Analog and Digital Ground.
- PIN 8 | VDD | Positive Supply Voltage (2.7 V to 5.5 V). Decouple the supply with a 0.1 μF ceramic capacitor to ground.
- Arduino IDE | PlatformIO
- Test Boards :
- Note: The Diagram below is using ATMEGA4809 / Arduino Nano Every Microcontroller (please refer to your MCU’s respective pin-outs & bus configuration)
- Resistors (See below diagram for required value)
- Capacitor(See below diagram for required value)
Wiring Diagram & Schematics
Source Code & Test Code
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#include <Wire.h> #include "Adafruit_ADT7410.h" Adafruit_ADT7410 tempsensor = Adafruit_ADT7410(); // Setting the ADT7410 Object i2C Adress begins at 0x49 void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("14CORE | ADT7410 TEST"); serial.println("Initializing, please wait .......... "); delay(3000) if (!tempsensor.begin()) { Serial.println("ERROR we couldn't find ADT7410 sensor, please check the wiring "); while (1); } delay(250); //set delay 250 ms for first readings. } void loop() { float c = tempsensor.readTempC(); // Set to read and print the temperature, then convert to *F float f = c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32; Serial.print("Temp: "); Serial.print(c); Serial.print("*C\t"); Serial.print(f); Serial.println("*F"); delay(1000); } |
CircuitPhython MCU Connections
First thing first you need to wire your AD7410 to your ESP32/RPI/PICO devices that support CircuitPython Firmware and hookup to: BOARD 3V –> ADT7410 – VCC / VIN | BOARD GND –> ADT7410 GND | BOARD SCL –> ADT7410 – SCL | BOARD SDA –> ADT7410 SDA
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import time import board import adafruit_adt7410 i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA # i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() # For using the built-in STEMMA QT connector on a microcontroller adt = adafruit_adt7410.ADT7410(i2c, address=0x48) adt.high_resolution = True while True: print(adt.temperature) time.sleep(0.5) |
PCB Board Milling / Gerber File
- Download ADT17410 Datasheet | PDF
- Download ADT1710 Code Library | ZIP
- Download Adafruit CircuitPython Library | ZIP
hi! Ik heb geprobeerd de code te testen, maar ik krijg foutmeldingen. Alle hulp.
Controleer aansluiting van SCL / SDA :) Also Optrekken Resistors.