This tutorial is about how to use Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino UNO, The Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor uses SONAR to determine the distance to an obstacle or an object like Bats, an excellent digital non-contact range detection with high accuracy and stable reading. From 2 centimeter to 400 centimeter. The operation is not affected by any light or a colored objects it has a sharp rangefinder although acoustically soft material like cloth can be difficult to detect. it has a complete sonar powered Ultrasonic Transmitter and Receiver Module, Tested in Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Common Micro Controller.


• Power Supply :+5V DC
• Quiescent Current : <2mA
• Working Current: 15mA
• Effectual Angle: <15°
• Measuring Angle: 30 degree
• Trigger Input Pulse width: 10uS
• Dimension: 45mm x 20mm x 15mm
• Ranging Distance : 2cm – 400 cm/1″ – 13ft
• Resolution : 0.3 cm

Connecting to Arduino Board


Source Code

Using the Arduino Libary New Ping



How to Use Sonar Powered Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC SR04 with Arduino


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