This is a Click Board from chipKIT powered by PIC32MZ microcontroller. This board has the ability to swap out just one elements for alternate or used as entirely runs all your devices with chip kit, it is a great way to rapidly prototype a design. Especially on your old shield and sensors chick board can accommodate this all, alternative to Arduino Microcontrollers. Flip&Click runs on PIC32MZ the main power house of a board featuring the 250 MHz, PIC32MZ2048EFH100. This processor has 2MB Flash, 160 Kilobyte of boot flash, and 512KB of SRAM, that provides you a room for the codes to make your design come into life. It runs at 252MHz which will make your application runs fast.
Flip & Click PIC32MZ Feature
- 2 Header can be up, one for Microchip MPLAB and one for MikroElectronica
- USB to UART conversion that can run both device and host in high speed 480 Mbps
- Two application switches and one is for reset switch.
- Five User LED four on the click side and one is on the shield side.
- Four Click Sockets
- Arduino / ChipKIT compatible shields interface.
The ChipKIT core
ChipKIT core is now supports the Flip&Click PIC32MZ just update the core of the Arduino IDE and start using it. This board is avaible in two kinds of model with a chipKIT base bootloader automatically it can communicate with Arduino IDE. The other one is a bootloader made by MikroElektronika to communicate with its development tools, including the PIC32 compilers that allows you to code BASIC, C or PASCAL you can program the board either ChipKIT or MicroElektronika bootloader its support whatever environment you are in.
Office Site Site:
- Flip & Click Bootloader PIC32MZ USB HID Version 100 | Zip
- Flip & Click Sample Test Code | Zip
- Flip & Click User Manuel / Documentation | PDF