This is the 14CORE Mini sumobot driven by Arduino Microcontroller. this bot is programmed automatically find its opponents and automatically push the opponent out of the black circle, however this robots are equipped with sensors programmed to search and look to his opponent & avoid leaving the arena, ones placed in starting position and activated, should operate under their own internal logic programmed code, without your guidance or control.
Required Components
- Arduino Microcontroller, ATMEGA328 16/12, ATMEGA32u4 16 MHz, ATMEGA250 16 MHz, ATSAM3x8E, ATSAM21 (Note: The Diagram below is using NANO. (please refer to the respective pin-outs)
- L298N (H-Bridge Motor Controller)
- Tracking Sensor / Module
- Acrylic / Plastic (Body)
- Wheels / Tire
- Roller / Rounded Plastic Cup
- Obstacle Avoidance Sensor / Module (Optional)
- Ultrasonic Sensor (HCSR04)
- Gear Head Motor
- Soldering Iron
- PCB Board
- Jumper Wire / DuPont Wire
- Solder-less Breadboard
For the assembly you can use cardboard, acrylic, aluminum plate or cardboard.
Wiring Diagram
Sketch Code
14CORE Mini Sumo Robot with Multi-senors on Arduino Microcontroller