ÞThis is the 14CORE Design light finder robot which is capable of detecting, finding and following light source path. This robot uses LDR (Photodiodes) to detect light from the surroundings and follow where the light source. As you can see the diagram below there are two Motor driver option you can use ether L298X or L293D which is used to drive the 2 wheel or 4 wheel motor. If you’re new to L298N and L293D please follow this link. L293D / L298N.
Required Component
- Arduino Microcontroller / Teensy (Please refer to the pinout diagram)
- L298N / l293D Motor Controller
- Smar Car Chassis Kit / Build your own kit
- 2 or 4 Gear Head Motor or Stepper motor (for stepper motor please follow this link)
- Micro / Standard Servo
- 3x LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
- 3x 10k Resistor
- Jumper Wires / DuPont Wires
- Solder Less Breadboard
Wiring Diagram
Source Code
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14CORE Light Tracking/Finder BOT on L298N / L293D with Microcontroller