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The 14CORE – Industrial / Automotive Class Vibration Shock Sensor with TE MODEL 3038

14CORE TE MODEL 3038 Shock & Vibration Sensing

This is the TE 3038, TE 3038 is a type of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) accelerometer that is designed to measure acceleration and tilt. It uses a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) to detect changes in acceleration and converts this into an electrical signal that can be measured and analyzed. The TE 3038 MEMS accelerometer is a 3-axis accelerometer, which means it can measure acceleration in three dimensions: X, Y, and Z.

The TE 3038 MEMS accelerometer is a through-hole package with five pins. It can be connected to a microcontroller or other system to measure acceleration and tilt in various applications, such as Ammunition, Robotics, Drones, Vibration Detections, Shock Monitoring, Impack test, Automotive Applications, Intrumentations, Embedded Applications, Biomechanics Applications, Safe Arming, etc. The output from each axis is an analog voltage that is proportional to the acceleration in that axis, which can be read by an ADC (analog-to-digital converter) in a microcontroller or other system. The sensitivity value for this device is 330 mV/g, which means that for every 1g of acceleration, the output voltage will change by 330 mV.

Some List of Applications:

Overall, the broad range of applications for MEMS accelerometers demonstrates their versatility and usefulness in a wide variety of industries and fields. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that new and innovative applications for MEMS accelerometers will continue to emerge, making them an essential component of many different types of sensors and monitoring systems.

The TE 3038 MEMS accelerometer is a small, low-cost sensor that measures acceleration in three dimensions. It is based on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology and has a range of +/- 3g. The sensor has a built-in 3-axis accelerometer and provides analog output signals in the form of voltage proportional to acceleration in each of the three dimensions (X, Y, and Z).

Technical information:

This sensor has a supply voltage of 5V DC. The datasheet for this device specifies that the voltage input range should be between 4.75V and 5.25V DC. It’s important to ensure that the input voltage stays within this range to avoid damage to the sensor or inaccurate readings. for more technical details please refer to the datasheet below.

Requirements & Parts List:

Part Value Device Package
C1,C2 4.7uF Capacitor 0805
C3, C6 0.1uF Capacitor 0603
C4 47pF Capacitor ‘0603
C5 22uF Capacitor ‘0603
D1 SMD SMD Led 1608
F2 ASMD1812-200-FUSE Fuze FUSC4632X130N
IC1 AP63357DV-7-REG-DC Regulator AP63357DV7
L1 6.8uH Inductor IND_ETQP4M6R8YFN
R1 93.1K Resistor ‘0603
R2 22K Resistor ‘0603
R3 41.2K Resistor ‘0603
R4 220K Resistor ‘0603
R5 330 Resistor ‘0603
R6 0 Ohms Resistor ‘0603
SV1 Header Pin MA04-1
U1 20005836-00 TE 3038 Sensor XDCR_20005836-00

Schematics Diagram:

Test Source Code :

Using a microcontroller with 14CORE TE 3038 sensor, you will need to connect the analog outputs of the sensor to the analog inputs of the MCU. The sensor provides three analog output signals in the form of voltage proportional to acceleration in each of the three dimensions (X, Y, and Z).

Here are the steps to connect the accelerometer to a microcontroller:

  1. Connect the VCC pin of the vibration & shock sensor to a DC power source with a range of 6 to 32v.
  2. Then connect the GND pin of the sensor to the ground of the microcontroller.
  3. Connect the X, Y, and Z analog output pins of the accelerometer to the analog input pins of the MCU. However, You can use any available analog input pins on the microcontroller, but it’s recommended to use pins with built-in ADCs (Analog-to-Digital Converters).
  4. Depending on the microcontroller and the programming language you are using, you will need to write a code to read the analog input values from the shock & vibration sensor and convert them to meaningful acceleration values. This can be done by using a simple voltage divider circuit or an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that is built into the microcontroller.

Once the sensor is properly connected and the microcontroller is programmed to read the analog input signals, you can use the accelerometer to detect motion, measure acceleration, and perform other tasks based on the application. Keep in mind that the accuracy of the accelerometer readings will depend on the quality of the power supply, the analog-to-digital conversion, and the processing algorithms used by the microcontroller.

Arduino Code:


Python Code:


STM32F103C8 w/d 16X2 LCD Display:


Gerber / Milling Files :

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The 14CORE – Industrial / Automotive Class Vibration Shock Sensor with TE MODEL 3038
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